My 10 Keto Recipe Sites

Mes 10 sites de recettes Cétogènes

What's great about internet is that it's very easy to find lots of recipes and enjoy them.

For English speakers, the choice is vast, because in North America, this type of food is much more widespread. The downside is that you can get lost quickly. What is interesting to note is that most of these sites were created following health concerns and personal research on well-being.


avocado toast

French speakers

The nice keto : you will find lots of advice to start and great recipes in particular from Reunion.. beautiful photos that make you want...?

Eat Fat 2 be fit : in a previous post, I recommend The Great Book of the ketogenic diet .. here is their site. Super rich in information, recipes and a program if you prefer this kind of formula.

Long live the fat : From the bread recipe to the taco, through the pizza or the parmigiana... Only recipes and a lot of explanations too.

Keto diet : this site, very educational, explains the ketogenic diet, how to calculate your macros... and recipes of course. To make your life easier, menu proposals... it can help you get started!!

Sophie's plates : who is a nutrition coach. You will find advice, recipes and programs to support you.

El mundo de la Paulina : I love these recipes, especially the Ensaimadas de Mallorca, but not only!!!

The Keto Frenchies : try the salted butter caramel crumble .. otherwise you may be tempted by the revamped fast food recipes. Convenient for getting teens to join?

La potine de Potine: gluten-free and/or ketogenic, created by a cooking and culinary art enthusiast.

For athletes, who hesitate because it is well known: "Sugar is the fuel, to be able to play sports!" :

Low carb Frenchie : Site run by a sports and cooking enthusiast. Very complete with many articles about sport and the benefits of eating Low Carb.


English speakers

Such a choice ! Some offer videos to accompany their recipes, some offer metric/US equivalences (don't panic, I'll put them online). Here you will find recipes for classic American cuisine, revisited in keto mode.

Low carb - no carb : what I love about Anglo-Saxon sites are the always impressive photos that make you want to try everything! This one is no exception to the rule. There is also the ba-ba with the ingredients to have in your cupboards to start well.

The open magazine : ketogenic vegetarian recipes created by a young Hindi woman.. so you can read the original version! Non-vegetarian recipes too! Good picks, and if you go to Facebook groups around the ketogenic diet, you can regularly find proposals inspired by his site.

Gnom-gnom : If you can't find what you're looking for on this site, it's because you're more than picky!! I grant you, the name appeals to the French-speaking person that I am!

Her site is very pretty with quality photos, videos to accompany certain recipes and the metric/US concordance.

Super easy to use!


Need to convert US quantities to metric values??

Several suggestions:

The calulator site : you will find everything you need to convert (food, currency, distances, etc.)

My recipes : more basic you will find liquid/solid equivalents and oven temperatures.

Unitjuggler : you choose your values, temperatures... and you have your conversion!

weight scale

With all this, you are equipped for your journey in the ketogenic diet!

Enjoy your food !

......./ be continued

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